Using a custom domain for AMP pages

All about setting up your AMP custom domain on Shopify

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 3rd, 2021

Advanced Tutorial

Using a custom domain requires you to edit DNS settings.  If you are unfamiliar with DNS settings, we recommend contacting your DNS provider.  If you're still unsure about this, we recommend not using a Custom Domain and simply using the default "Standard Domain" configuration, which works perfectly out of the box.

At Shop Sheriff, we make it easy for a shop to host their AMP pages all on a specific domain, typically this means using a subdomain like "".

Key points:

  • The most common use-cases for an AMP subdomain are "" or "", but any subdomain is perfectly fine for SEO. 
  • You can't use your original domain ( as the AMP domain.
  • You can set up your subdomain using the "Domains" tab of the AMP app.
  • Setting up a subdomain will require the ability to edit your DNS settings
  • It will take up to 48 hours for your custom domain to be ready.  During this time, you should switch back to the "Standard" configuration, and periodically check to see if your new subdomain is active.
  • The custom domain is more or less just used for convenience or personal preference when setting up your AMP pages.  There is no SEO difference between using a custom domain or the standard domain configuration.

Setting up your custom domain

  1. Navigate to the Domains tab of the AMP app
  2. Select "Custom domain"
  3. Enter a domain value in the textbox, such as "" (replace with your current domain)
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Once saved, you will have DNS values automatically generated for you
  6. (Important) Enter your DNS provider and create the CNAME using the automatically generated values that we have generated for you within the AMP app
  7. Wait up to 48 hours for the DNS to propagate.  During this time, we recommend switching back to the "Standard" domain configuration

I see SSL issues within 48 hours after switching, why?

All DNS propagation takes up to 48 hours to complete.  During this time, you may see that your custom domain AMP pages don't render, or render with an SSL error.  This is completely normal, and we recommend switching back to the "Standard Domain" configuration while your DNS propagates

Is there any SEO difference when using a custom domain?

No, both the standard domain and the custom domain options provide the maximum SEO benefit, there is no difference between which one you choose.  We provide this service as a convenience because many shops prefer having all AMP pages on one specific custom subdomain.

Do you recommend using a Custom Domain?

Both the Custom Domain and Standard Domain configuration are great!  This is totally up to you.  Most users are perfectly happy with the Standard Domain configuration.

Do I need to add a new domain property in Search Console for my custom subdomain?

This is not necessary, but it can help you in your analytics tracking of your new custom subdomain AMP pages.  We recommend adding an additional property in Search Console for the custom subdomain.

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