Stephen Gardner

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Updated June 16th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

How AMP indexing works

The process by which Google indexes AMP pages is super simple. Google crawls your original (non-AMP) website Google notices an invisible <link> meta tag at the top of your site (Shop Sheriff adds this automatically for you) Google follows this link tag to the AMP version of this page Google queues this AMP page for indexing In the following ar...

4 min reading time
Updated March 4th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Private App update by April 1st Announcement

You may have received a notification from Shopify about AMP's use of an API endpoint that is being deprecated by April 1st.  AMP will need to update this, otherwise some functionality may be lost.   What this means AMP uses a non-critical endpoint that is being deprecated by Shopify on April 1st.  As such, the AMP app needs to update its use of this...

0 min reading time
Updated March 21st, 2022 by Stephen Gardner

Adding AMP to the Home Page

AMP by Shop Sheriff offers AMP for your Shopify Home page, and each theme comes pre-optimized with sections built perfectly for AMP speed and validation.  Please note, while the AMP app automatically converts many parts of your shop to AMP, such as your product descriptions, t he home page is one page on your AMP shop that needs to be  recreated man...

1 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Choosing an AMP theme

Shop Sheriff provides several fully AMP compatible themes which have been crafted from the ground up to give you the best possible page speed without sacrificing style. Choosing an AMP theme After navigating to your themes dashboard here, you can select one of our ready-made AMP compatible themes, with full homepage support.  Throughout the year, we...

1 min reading time
Updated February 22nd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Does AMP work with Page Builders like PageFly or Shogun?

Are Page Builders compatible with AMP? Unfortunately, Shopify page-builders like PageFly, Shogun, GemPages, and others, output code that violates just about every rule of valid AMP HTML and therefore the code has no way of being AMP compatible.  These page-builders also do not offer any integration with AMP, and henceforth the AMP app cannot use the...

0 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

I don't see my AMP theme listed - is this a problem?

No, this is not a problem.  AMP operates as essentially an independent theme, so if you use a separate theme (for example, the Turbo theme) as your "normal" theme, and you use (for example) the Debut AMP theme as your AMP theme, then there is no inherent problem.  The difference in styling between AMP and non-AMP is a typical experience of any AMP p...

1 min reading time
Updated February 22nd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Can I send all mobile visitors to my AMP pages?

In short: no.  Redirecting all mobile traffic to AMP isn't something that Shopify supports. Shopify allows "301 redirects" but Shopify has no support for "Mobile-only 301 redirects".  Shopify controls the server-side of your shop, so any server-side redirection would happen from Shopify.  Right now they only have a way of redirecting "all" traffic, ...

0 min reading time
Updated June 2nd, 2022 by Stephen Gardner

How do I remove code after uninstallation?

If you click "Unpublish" before uninstalling the app, then there won't be any code left on your theme, and you can uninstall the app from your Shopify Admin Panel. If you don't click "Unpublish", then there may be code left on your theme which you can manually remove very easily: Steps to manually remove all the code: Open your theme.liquid file in ...

1 min reading time
Updated November 25th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Migrating AMP from one store to another

Sometimes a shop may have AMP installed on one shop, and migrate their store to a new URL, and then install AMP on the second shop.  This will help answer all of your questions. How can I migrate AMP from one shop to another? In general, the process is simple.  Simply install AMP on the new shop, and set up your AMP pages, and publish them.  If you ...

1 min reading time
Updated June 30th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

How to add Product Reviews to AMP pages on Shopify

AMP by Shop Sheriff integrates with 17 different product review providers.   We integrate with:  Judge Me Loox Shopify Product Reviews Conversio Areviews Growave Okendo Ryviu Shopper Approved Yotpo Ali Reviews Opinew Rivyo HelpfulCrowd HulkApps product reviews eKomi Product reviews are available on the "Hobbyist" tier ($9/mo) or higher.  ...

1 min reading time
Updated April 3rd, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Menu navigation on AMP

AMP supports menu navigation out of the box using your Shopify navigation menus.  You can access your Shopify navigation menus by navigating to your admin panel here . Shopify navigation menus are edited using the editor on this page. You'll notice that menus and sub-menus can be easily created using the drag and drop functionality within Shopify. W...

1 min reading time
Updated June 10th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Troubleshooting Bounce Rate on AMP Pages

In Google Analytics, If you experience a drastically higher bounce rate on AMP pages, you may need to add a referral exclusion to your Google Analytics account. 1) Make sure this bounce rate is coming from AMP pages AMP pages have "/a/s/" in their URL, by default (or a custom subdomain if you have chosen one).  Therefore, you should always make sure...

1 min reading time
Updated March 2nd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Why am I seeing traffic coming from ""?

This domain ( is Google's "AMP Cache" domain. That means you're getting organic visitors from Google finding your AMP pages in search results.  That's great! Google delivers your AMP pages from the "" cache domain.  This is one of the reasons that AMP pages load even faster when coming from a search engine like G...

0 min reading time
Updated February 29th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

How do I add custom CSS to AMP pages?

Shop Sheriff allows users to add custom CSS to their AMP pages.  This allows users much more freedom to intricately customize the way things appear on any page.   Shop Sheriff has an instant live-update CSS feature which automatically validates all your CSS, minifys it, tree-shakes it to remove unused values, and makes sure your AMP pages run as fas...

0 min reading time
Updated October 16th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

What data is automatically synced with AMP pages?

The AMP for Shopify app automatically syncs much of your store data with AMP pages.  We accomplish this through Webhooks, which Shopify uses to notify connected apps of changes to your shop.   As a general rule, the data your save in your Shopify Admin Panel (excluding liquid files), will be automatically translated into your AMP pages.  Liquid file...

2 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

What is Google AMP?

AMP is a framework for building websites that are optimized for speed and user experience. When you create websites with the AMP framework, you will be given search engine benefits in Google, like this:     The AMP lightning bolt in Google Search Results This lightning bolt signifies an extremely fast page, and Google actually caches the page and pr...

2 min reading time
Updated December 29th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

I am seeing a blank page or "Not found" text when opening my AMP pages

We'll need to make sure the AMP app is using the "a/s/" app proxy.  AMP can't operate on anything except this app proxy location.   What is happening is that another app may be taking this app proxy, and you'll have to change that app to a different app proxy, and change AMP back to "a/s/".  Once this is done, your AMP pages should render properly. ...

0 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Does my SEO change if I use a Custom Domain?

When you use a custom domain, you will notice that you effectively have two domains, your AMP subdomain, and then your original domain. Normally, when you use a subdomain, Google treats the subdomain and the original domain as "Two separate entities", meaning that the SEO juice or traffic attribution gets attributed to the domain which a user landed...

0 min reading time
Updated May 14th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

What code changes does AMP make?

AMP by Shop Sheriff makes almost no code changes to your shop, so it is very easy to add or remove from your shop without changing any core functionality or affecting any of the functionality on your original theme.    All of the code changes we make are the following:  We create a snippet titled shop-sheriff-amp.liquid  We add one line to the theme...

0 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

AMP Core Web Vitals + Page Experience in Google Search Console

Adding AMP will allow you to improve your mobile Core Web Vitals and Page Experience scores, two massively important factors for boosting your SEO.  Ever since Google rolled out the mobile-first indexing update in 2019, mobile speed has become a huge factor in Google rankings.  In 2021, Google is also rolling out a "Page Experience" factor, which me...

3 min reading time
Updated April 23rd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Creating a Shareable Link for Google Search Console AMP Issues

You can easily share an error page from Google Search Console so that our team can better investigate any AMP-related issue you might be having. Key Points You can create a "Shareable Link" to share a Google Search Console AMP error page for us to help as best we can.  Simply copy/pasting the URL in the address bar will not work, because we won't ha...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Why are AMP pages "Excluded" in Google Search Console

This is intentional. AMP pages will always show up under the "Alternate page with proper canonical tag" list.  AMP pages are still able to be indexed, this does not affect their indexability. AMP pages simply use a special kind of indexing which is only for AMP pages, so Google doesn't show them as directly indexed.  Instead, they are "Excluded" but...

0 min reading time
Updated April 2nd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Troubleshooting AMP Collections Sorting

AMP Collection pages are able to show filters for products, so that they can be sorted such as "Sort by price descending", "Sort by featured", etc. By default, when a user activates a new sorting method, they are taken to your non-AMP site for full sorting controls. AMP offers sorting for the following options: Featured Best selling Alphabetically, ...

0 min reading time
Updated March 30th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

De-indexing AMP pages on Shopify

If you delete AMP, or unpublish AMP pages from your AMP "Page Visibility" dashboard, it may take some time for Google to de-index your already indexed AMP pages.  These AMP pages have been indexed by Google so de-indexing them, like any pages that Google has indexed, does take some time.  This is dependent upon how fast Google crawls your site, but ...

1 min reading time
Updated June 11th, 2022 by Stephen Gardner

Metafields on Shopify AMP Pages

The Enterprise plan allows you to add metafields in certain places on your AMP pages, including above the add to cart button, below the product description, within a product description tab, and more. Which Metafields can be added to AMP pages? We currently allow you to use Shop (global) metafields and Product metafields . How are Metafields useful ...

0 min reading time
Updated August 12th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

How shoppers find AMP pages

Using AMP for Shopify has helped thousands of Shop Sheriff users get in front of more potential customers by providing better organic SEO and a faster loading storefront.  But many newcomers to AMP are often confused about where AMP pages actually appear.  Do they replace your shop? Do they create duplicate content?  In this article, we'll break dow...

2 min reading time
Updated May 18th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

AMP for Shopify Free Trial

AMP by Shop Sheriff offers both a FREE tier and a 14-day free trial to all first-time upgrades. You can install AMP for free, and you can stay on our free tier forever.  You are not charged at any time unless you decide to upgrade and you finish your free upgraded plan trial (14 days). If you upgrade for the first time, you will notice during the Sh...

0 min reading time
Updated June 24th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

The AMP Link to Full Site

What is the Link to Full Site? Some shops may have functionality on their "full" site which isn't available on their AMP pages, and they may want to keep the option for a user to travel onto this version of the site.  The "link to full site" is primarily used for this purpose.  AMP pages will be instant-loading and better SEO when a user finds you f...

0 min reading time
Updated July 7th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Checking how many AMP pages Google has indexed using Search Console

Google search console provides a clear representation of how many AMP pages you have indexed for your site. Steps to check AMP indexed pages  Open Google Search Console for your site  Click on the "AMP" tab, on the left, under "Enhancements"  Click on "Valid" to show the number of valid (indexed) AMP pages What if I don't see the "AMP" tab? If you d...

0 min reading time
Updated January 26th, 2023 by Stephen Gardner

What pages can (and can't) be AMPed on Shopify

AMP by Shop Sheriff allows you to AMP your most critical landing pages, such as your home page, products, and collections.  These are pages that are most likely to be indexed by Google and therefore receive the AMP benefit. The pages that CAN be AMPed include: Home page Products Collections Blogs Blog Articles Custom pages These are your most critic...

0 min reading time
Updated March 11th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Can I choose exactly which pages to AMP?

With Shop Sheriff, you can choose exactly which pages to add AMP to.  Whether it is one page, or every page.  Some shops prefer to test AMP out by only AMPing a few collections, or products, for example, and seeing how their results look before choosing to AMP their entire site.  Shop Sheriff makes this extremely easy. AMPing an entire template You ...

0 min reading time
Updated February 26th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

How can I find my AMP page URL?

Your AMP page URLs are easy to identify.  By default, all your AMP pages will be the same as your normal pages plus "/a/s" after the ".com" portion of your URL.  For example, if your URL is, then your AMP page URL is /a/s /products/jerky.   This simple structure makes it easy to identify your AMP pa...

0 min reading time
Updated January 7th, 2023 by Stephen Gardner

Low text to HTML ratio

The warning "Low text to HTML ratio" may happen on your AMP pages if you have considerably short collection or product descriptions, or if you have a lot of products per collection page.  All this warning means is that the page has what SEMrush deems "not enough text" in comparison with the amount of HTML. On Collection Pages The solution is to eith...

0 min reading time
Updated July 28th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Why aren't all of my products indexed on AMP?

When you publish your AMP products, Shop Sheriff generates an AMP page and adds AMP to every single one of your product pages.  You may have hundreds, or even thousands of products, and you may notice in Google Search Console that not every one of these products is actually indexed on AMP.  This is completely normal and in this article we'll explain...

4 min reading time
Updated February 28th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

My AMP page shows outdated information

If you've recently made changes to a page, and you notice that the associated AMP page doesn't reflect the exact same information, but instead shows old information, this is likely due to Google's AMP cache. Outdated information can occur if both of the following occur: You are viewing a page directly from Google search results Google has not yet re...

0 min reading time
Updated May 6th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Can I edit the code of my AMP pages

You cannot edit the underlying code or liquid structure of the AMP templates.  This is in part to make sure that the AMP pages generated are 100% valid AMP HTML and allow you to receive Google's AMP benefits. However, there are a few sections within the AMP theme editor where you are allowed to add Custom HTML (such as the home page, and footer).  Y...

0 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Tracking AMP page performance on Shopify

Shop Sheriff powers thousands of Shopify stores, from large household brands like Wonderchef and Durex, to more socially-focused Instagram famous brands like Ikonick and The Gold Gods, and all the way down to smaller individually-run shops just getting their feet wet with Shopify.  Whichever type of shop you run, it's helpful to track AMP page perfo...

2 min reading time
Updated April 27th, 2022 by Stephen Gardner

How to check if AMP is active for a page?

You can easily tell if AMP is active for a page in one of two ways. Checking the page's source code Using the AMP validator tool Before we dive into each of these, it's important to understand how Google indexes AMP pages.  We have a full detailed document on this in this post, but we will summarize it here. How Google indexes AMP pages Google index...

1 min reading time
Updated November 3rd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

All analytics events tracked by AMP on Shopify

AMP by Shop Sheriff automatically adds event tracking to your Google Analytics or Facebook account.  Enable these events simply by entering your Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel ID in the settings panel. Note on theme versions As of May 17th, 2020, we updated our Analytics Tracking to track more detailed analytics on your AMP pages.  The events li...

2 min reading time
Updated March 23rd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

All about AMP for Shopify 2.0

AMP 2.0 is the latest version of AMP for Shopify.  If you've been using AMP since 2018, or part of 2019, you will notice a new "Get AMP 2.0" option on your dashboard.  We released AMP 2.0 to help our users get the most out of AMP.  The pricing structures are nearly identical, but the value of AMP 2.0 we believe has proven to be far greater.  Upgradi...

1 min reading time
Updated February 27th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

How long does it take for Google to index my AMP pages

We see the majority of users start to be AMP-indexed within 1 to 7 days, though the answer depends on how often Google crawls your site. This means that after a few days, you may start to see AMP pages being indexed, and after a few more days, the number should rise. The number of AMP-indexed pages is entirely dependent upon how many "normal" non-AM...

0 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

How does Shopify's multi-domain setup integrate with AMP?

Shopify allows you to connect multiple domains to a single Shopify store.  For example, you can have "mystore. com" and "mystore." connected to the same Shopify store. When using AMP, it is only possible to generate AMP pages in the original shop's language and currency.  This means that the second connected domain can still have AMP pages, bu...

2 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

UTM Parameters on AMP

Shop Sheriff can add UTM parameters to the links on your AMP pages.  This setting can be easily enabled/disabled within your AMP settings page. Key points: Shop Sheriff allows you to add UTM parameters to links on AMP pages.  This feature can be easily enabled or disabled. UTM parameters can better help you track what links people click on once they...

1 min reading time
Updated July 22nd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Shop sheriff Glossary

This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary. Glossary This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary. All...

0 min reading time
Updated June 7th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

404 errors with {{handle}} in the URL

Your AMP Related Products code contains AMP-Mustache syntax ( This is how AMP fills in content based on a dynamic endpoint.  AMP-Mustache uses curly brace syntax to represent variables, such as {{product.handle}}. SEMrush incorrectly parses this syntax before it is filled in. Diagnosis If you r...

0 min reading time
Updated August 12th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Newsletter & Email Capture on AMP pages

Yes, AMP has it's own built-in Newsletter/Email capture popup.  This email popup is designed to make sure that your AMP pages remain compliant with Google's AMP requirements, while also being able to collect emails and offer a coupon code to subscribers. We have an announcement here regarding our newsletter popup integration.  This AMP newsletter po...

0 min reading time
Updated February 19th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Can I use mobile-specific CSS, or show content on AMP only?

In some cases, you may want to show content on AMP only, or add mobile-specific CSS to the AMP pages.  Here we will discuss exactly how to perform these tasks. How to show content on AMP only Yes, you can show content for AMP only. Enter your Main Shopify Theme's theme.scss.css file and add the following CSS:.amp-only { display: none; } Now edit you...

1 min reading time
Updated February 18th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Too many query parameters in URL

AMP automatically adds "UTM parameters" to your URLs in order to help you track where AMP links were clicked and what links convert the best.  This is to help you track things within Google Analytics, and it is a common practice.  If SEMrush warns you that you have "too many query parameters", you have two options. Solution 1) You can tell SEMrush t...

0 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Does AMP improve SEO

After helping over 20,000 Shopify businesses get set up with AMP, we've found incredible results in regards to SEO boosts using AMP.   While Google doesn't officially document that AMP is a direct ranking factor, the primary reason that we see shops setting up their AMP templates is due to the SEO boost.  Why is that? Why AMP Boosts SEO Speed Speed ...

2 min reading time
Updated March 24th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Multi-store discounts

Shop Sheriff provides discounts for shops with multiple domains associated with them.  The following discounts apply only for shops that are associated directly with one another, which are selling the same products, such as when one shop has multiple domains for different languages.  This does not apply for shops selling different pro...

0 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Modifying the "All" collection on Shopify

When creating a Shopify store, there is one collection that is automatically generated for you by Shopify.  This is the "" collection.  This collection is not able to be found in your Shopify admin panel, which can be frustrating for some users because perhaps they'd like to manually edit this collection. Sometimes you migh...

1 min reading time
Updated May 14th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Keeping users on AMP pages with Link Preferences

Keeping users on AMP pages is a breeze when using AMP by Shop Sheriff.  Simply toggle your "Internal Link Preferences" on or off for any section of your shop. What are Link Preferences on AMP? When a user lands on an AMP page, some shops prefer to keep the user on the "AMP Journey", meaning plainly that they'd like a user who starts on AMP, to conti...

2 min reading time
Updated October 20th, 2023 by Stephen Gardner

How to fix "Image Size Smaller Than Recommended Size"

When you see this validation warning: "Image size smaller than recommended size", on a blog post page, this is just a warning, so it does not negatively affect your SEO for this page, however, you would ideally want to fix this and you can do so easily. You simply need to upload a higher resolution “featured image” in Shopify for this blog post.   W...

1 min reading time
Updated November 7th, 2023 by Stephen Gardner

How to Uninstall

Uninstalling AMP is simple. First, please make sure none of the page types are “Published” at the top of the “Visibility” portion of the dashboard here.  You will know if you have pages published because there will be an “Unpublish” button available to be clicked.  Click Unpublish if available. Next, simply uninstall the app as normal through your S...

0 min reading time
Updated December 6th, 2022 by Stephen Gardner

AMP Analytics on Shopify

Key points: AMP by Shop Sheriff seamlessly connects with your Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel accounts from the Settings page. Simply enter your Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel ID and the necessary settings are applied to your AMP pages instantly.   Most merchants use the same Google or Facebook ID that they're using on their non-AMP pages, m...

2 min reading time
Updated May 18th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

What is the difference between the AMP plans?

The biggest difference between the various tiers of the AMP plans is the ability to publish more parts of your store on AMP. Each paid tier of course also includes the tier below it. An abbreviated summary of different plans: Basic/Free tier: AMPed Products Hobbyist tier: AMPed Collections Company tier: AMPed Home Page & Blogs & Articles &am...

2 min reading time
Updated February 22nd, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Clicking "Next Page" brings me to the wrong page, or an empty page on my normal theme. Why?

If you have set up AMP to go to your normal website after clicking on the "Next page" button, you need to make sure that the number of products/blogs on your AMP page matches the number of products/blogs on your non-AMP page. Collection/Blog Page pagination If you are on your AMP page at and you have set up AMP to g...

1 min reading time
Updated June 16th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Testing Shopify Analytics compared to Google Analytics

You can test AMP page views to make sure that the page views are being counted properly in Google Analytics and Shopify Analytics using the "Live View" for both of these platforms. At a high level, we will be viewing an AMP page, and making sure that our page views go up by 1 on both the Google Analytics Live Events and the Shopify Analytics Live Ev...

0 min reading time
Updated December 10th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Creating a Blank AMP page on Shopify without an app

You can create your own Shopify AMP page.  This allows you to test AMP on an actual Shopify store, and see what is and isn't possible. When we render your pages, it's not the same exact process that Shopify performs, but it is similar. You will be creating a new "Layout" file, and a new "Template" file.  Both are required.  Once you've created both,...

4 min reading time
Updated November 8th, 2022 by Stephen Gardner

How does my Structured Data and Meta Information work on AMP?

Key points Shop Sheriff automatically adds rich schema to your AMP pages. This will not conflict with any schema or schema apps on your non-AMP pages. For any remaining schema that isn't automatically added, AMP will automatically pull this from your non-AMP schema when displayed in Google search results.  This is because we use the proper <link ...

2 min reading time
Updated March 4th, 2022 by Stephen Gardner

Using Custom Fonts on AMP pages in Shopify

AMP by Shop Sheriff offers dozens of built-in fonts that you can use on your AMP pages out of the box.  For custom fonts that aren't natively supported, we allow you to use Custom CSS to import a font and use it on your Shopify AMP pages. Check if your font is supported Adding a custom font is only necessary if you don't see your font available in t...

1 min reading time
Updated January 18th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

What is the Beta List plan?

The Beta List plan is a Free plan that also has access to additional features typically not included in the free plan, such as publishing your Collections and Blogs.  If you downloaded AMP prior to August, 2018, you were automatically enrolled in our "Beta List" plan on AMP 1.0.  This plan, as mentioned in AMP 1.0, gives "Access to all features rele...

0 min reading time
Updated July 22nd, 2022 by Stephen Gardner

Videos in product "Featured Media"

For product media such as videos that are uploaded directly to the product featured media (the slider of images at the top of your product page) , there might be an issue showing these videos within the product media carousel on AMP.  This is because Shopify does not always share that media with AMP at the moment. This means that if you upload a vid...

2 min reading time
Updated June 8th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Tips on optimizing Shopify AMP page speed

When using AMP by Shop Sheriff, we compress, minify, and optimize your AMP pages as much as possible right out of the box.  This includes: HTML minification Compression Proper image dimensions Lazy-loading ...more However, there may still be some things you can do to optimize the AMP pages.  Here we will discuss a few tips: If you're loading Videos ...

3 min reading time
Updated February 19th, 2020 by Stephen Gardner

Should I use a custom domain?

On Shop Sheriff, we offer you the ability to choose a custom domain name to use for your AMP pages.  This allows you to use a subdomain such as "" in order to host your AMP pages. We have found that users like the custom domain option because they like the simple url structure of subdomain for their AMP pages. Most commonly users cho...

0 min reading time
Updated August 3rd, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Using a custom domain for AMP pages

Advanced Tutorial Using a custom domain requires you to edit DNS settings.  If you are unfamiliar with DNS settings, we recommend contacting your DNS provider.  If you're still unsure about this, we recommend not using a Custom Domain and simply using the default "Standard Domain" configuration, which works perfectly out of the box. At Shop Sheriff,...

1 min reading time
Updated May 26th, 2021 by Stephen Gardner

Using AMP for Shopify with your favorite Ads Platform

AMP pages can be used in all types of Ads; from Google Ads, to Google Shopping, and even Facebook Ads.  AMP pages do not show up in Ads by default.  Each platform requires you to manually tell it that you'd like to use AMP for your Ads. Here we'll discuss the different ways to use AMP in each platform. Important: If you are using AMP in Ads, we reco...

1 min reading time
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