Using AMP for Shopify with your favorite Ads Platform

Google Shopping, Google Display Ads, and Facebook Ads can all use AMP pages

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 26th, 2021

AMP pages can be used in all types of Ads; from Google Ads, to Google Shopping, and even Facebook Ads.  AMP pages do not show up in Ads by default.  Each platform requires you to manually tell it that you'd like to use AMP for your Ads. Here we'll discuss the different ways to use AMP in each platform.

Important: If you are using AMP in Ads, we recommend disabling "UTM Parameters" from your AMP Settings page.  These are disabled by default.  AMP UTMs can conflict with your Ads conversion reporting, because other Ad platforms usually add their own UTM parameters, so disabling them is usually the safest option.

Using AMP with Google Shopping / Merchant Center

AMP pages can be used in Google Shopping Ads.  For our full blog post tutorial, please check out this blog post by the Shop Sheriff team.

Using AMP with Google Display Ads (formerly AdWords)

AMP pages can be used in Google Display Ads/Adwords.  Using AMP with Google Ads earns you a higher Quality Score and therefore a lower Cost Per Click (CPC).  Mobile users who click on your Ads can be directed to your AMP versions of the page.  

  1.  Make sure you enter your Google AdWords Conversion ID here, in the AMP settings.
  2.  Make sure that UTM parameters are disabled here, in AMP settings, as these can conflict with Ads conversion tracking.
  3. Follow this official tutorial by Google in order to send Ads visitors to the AMP pages.

Using AMP with Facebook Ads

AMP can be used with Facebook Ads.  In doing so, all Ad clicks will be routed to your AMP page.  To do this, you will simply use your Direct AMP Link as the destination URL for your Facebook Ad.  You can easily grab any Direct AMP Link for any page on your shop by using the AMP app.  To do this, select AMP pages from the left-hand menu, and select the page that you'd like the AMP link for.  You can then use this link in your Facebook Ad, and all of that Ad's clicks will be sent to the AMP page.

If a user lands on an AMP page, will all other links on that page be AMP links?

This can easily be toggled on or off using "Internal Link Preferences" from within your AMP settings.  For more information, visit our help document on Internal Link Preferences here.

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