All about AMP for Shopify 2.0

Take advantage of the new rendering engine, customization options, and the future of AMP for Shopify

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 23rd, 2020

AMP 2.0 is the latest version of AMP for Shopify.  If you've been using AMP since 2018, or part of 2019, you will notice a new "Get AMP 2.0" option on your dashboard.  We released AMP 2.0 to help our users get the most out of AMP.  The pricing structures are nearly identical, but the value of AMP 2.0 we believe has proven to be far greater.  Upgrading to AMP 2.0, or getting set up with AMP 2.0 for the first time, is an easy process.

The AMP 2.0 dashboard experience

Main differences between AMP 1.0 (legacy) and AMP 2.0

  • Completely revamped AMP customizer - edit your AMP pages using a page customizer that operates just like Shopify's visual page editor.  
  • More AMP themes - we've added multiple AMP themes to AMP 2.0, which are nearly visually identical to real Shopify themes, PLUS added customization options to each theme.
  • AMP the Home Page - on AMP 2.0, you have the ability to AMP your home page with fantastic speed and several AMP sections to work with and customize.
  • More customization options - add more features to your AMP pages, such as breadcrumbs, sticky header, animations on your announcement banner, quantity +/- buttons, and more.
  • Custom CSS - add custom CSS to your AMP pages to have greater control in fine tuning every piece of your page, including adding custom fonts.
  • More! - there are several significant differences in AMP 2.0, and moving forward, it is the future of AMP for Shopify. 

I'm switching from AMP 1.0, is there a setup process?

You can easily migrate your AMP 1.0 settings over to AMP 2.0.  We built a quick migration tool that will migrate nearly all of your AMP 1.0 settings over to AMP 2.0.  You will find this tool in your dashboard menu.

Does AMP 2.0 require a paid plan?

No, we still have our generous free tier on AMP 2.0 where you receive AMPed products for free.  For more information about our plans on AMP 2.0, click here.

Is anything available on AMP 1.0 that isn't available on AMP 2.0

While AMP 2.0 is a significant upgrade, there may be a few features not yet available on AMP 2.0. While we don't have an exact list of them, you can view your AMP 2.0 settings and easily preview all the options available.

Do you recommend using AMP 2.0?

Yes, AMP 2.0 is the future of AMP for Shopify and we're constantly building on the upgraded infrastructure to give you the best possible experience with AMP.

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