Can I choose exactly which pages to AMP?

AMP 1 page, or AMP every page, the choice is yours

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 11th, 2020

With Shop Sheriff, you can choose exactly which pages to add AMP to.  Whether it is one page, or every page. 

Some shops prefer to test AMP out by only AMPing a few collections, or products, for example, and seeing how their results look before choosing to AMP their entire site.  Shop Sheriff makes this extremely easy.

AMPing an entire template

You can easily AMP an entire template by simply clicking "Publish" for any of your templates from within the Page Visibility section of the AMP app.

What this will do is activate AMP for an entire template.  That means all products, blogs, collections, etc.  

AMPing only specific pages using Custom Visibility Rules

Some shops prefer to only AMP specific pages within a template.  For example, a shop might want to AMP only products tagged with "t-shirt".  Another shop might want to only AMP specific collections.  Shop Sheriff makes this easy to achieve.

From the AMP app you can go to Page Visibility and you can AMP or de-AMP specific pages.  You could opt to only AMP 1 page out of a thousand if you wanted. "Custom Visibility Rules" allow you to do several things:

  • AMP/de-AMP products based on their tag.

  • AMP/de-AMP articles from AMP based on their tag.

  • AMP/de-AMP specific collections.

  • AMP/de-AMP specific custom pages

When you hide a page from AMP, the AMP version will no longer be accessible.  The AMP version of a page that has been de-AMPed will automatically redirect visitors to the non-AMP version via a 301 redirect.

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