Does AMP work with Page Builders like PageFly or Shogun?

The status of page builders and AMP

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 22nd, 2020

The Shogun Page Builder

Are Page Builders compatible with AMP? 

Unfortunately, Shopify page-builders like PageFly, Shogun, GemPages, and others, output code that violates just about every rule of valid AMP HTML and therefore the code has no way of being AMP compatible.  These page-builders also do not offer any integration with AMP, and henceforth the AMP app cannot use the code that they generate.  

The Shop Sheriff team has a good relationship with these companies and have been discussing ways in which integration might be possible, but currently there are no methods of integration.

Fortunately, Shop Sheriff makes it very easy to exclude these pages from being AMP indexed.  You are able to select exactly which pages you'd like to keep AMPed, while eliminating others from being AMPed, so that Google will not index any AMP page that doesn't look up to your standards.

Excluding a Custom Page from AMP

If you need to deactivate AMP for a specific page (such as disabling AMP for these custom-generated pages), but leave the other ones as AMP-enabled, you can do that using the "Page visibility" section of the app.  

  1. Navigate to your Page Visibility section here
  2. Scroll down to the section for your Custom Pages
  3. Toggle any page on or off.  To disable AMP for a specific page, un-check the check-box next to the page.

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