The AMP Link to Full Site

Add, remove, or edit the text of your "Link to full site" button

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 24th, 2021

What is the Link to Full Site?

Some shops may have functionality on their "full" site which isn't available on their AMP pages, and they may want to keep the option for a user to travel onto this version of the site.  The "link to full site" is primarily used for this purpose.  AMP pages will be instant-loading and better SEO when a user finds you from Google, which will give the user the instant information they are looking for.  If the user then needs some advanced functionality, like perhaps a product customizer, they can then use this link to travel onto the "full" version of the page.  You can easily turn this link on or off, or change its text.  It is not required to have this link to full site, and it is primarily there for your convenience.

Changing the Link to Full Site

You can easily change the link to full site on any page type by entering the AMP Theme Customizer and selecting the option to remove/add/translate the link. Here are the steps:

  1. Navigate to your themes dashboard here (

  2. Enter the AMP theme customizer by clicking the blue "CUSTOMIZE" button next to your desired AMP theme.

  3. Once inside the customizer, click on "Theme settings" on the left.

  4. Click on the "Link to full site" setting.

  5. Here you can edit the link, add it, remove it, or translate the content.

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