Videos in product "Featured Media"

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 22nd, 2022

For product media such as videos that are uploaded directly to the product featured media (the slider of images at the top of your product page), there might be an issue showing these videos within the product media carousel on AMP.  This is because Shopify does not always share that media with AMP at the moment. This means that if you upload a video in your Shopify Admin Panel to your product featured media, this might not show up on the AMP version of the page.  However, all of your images will of course show up perfectly fine.  This issue only affects videos in the product featured media.

A workaround to get these videos into your AMP featured media carousel is to use a product image with an "alt" tag and an iframe.

Workaround steps

  1. Upload an image to your Product Featured Media within your Shopify Admin Panel.
  2. Set the alt tag of this image equal to: <iframe src="my_youtube_video_url" /> (replace my_youtube_video_url with the URL of either your hosted video on Shopify, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).  You can use any video URL as long as it's a publicly accessible video.  The most popular options are uploading the video to Shopify or YouTube and then using that video URL.
  3. Wait 1-5 minutes for the AMP page to be updated.
  4. View the AMP page, and you should see this video on the AMP page in the proper location (inside the image carousel).

If you are unable to perform the workaround

If the workaround isn't possible for you, and you absolutely need this video on the AMP page, you have two other options:

  • You can unpublish this specific page from AMP, so that people will only go to the "normal" version of this specific page.
  • Or (recommended), you can upload the video to your product description (this is where you write the actual description for your product in the Shopify Admin Panel).  Any video you upload here should be automatically converted into AMP just fine without any other workaround necessary.  This isn't going to be in the featured media at the top of the AMP page, but it will at least be in the description of the AMP page (beneath the featured media). If you have any trouble with this method, please let us know, because for all videos this should work just great!
  • Lastly - if you can't perform the previous step, it may be possible for us to add this video by reading a Metafield from your Shopify product.  First, add the video URL as a metafield on your Shopify Product page.  Then, let us know what metafield you used for this and we'll test a solution for you individually.

A note about AMP validation

Sometimes, if you have a video on your non-AMP page that isn't on your AMP page, you may receive a warning in Google Search Console that says "Missing embedded video".  If you are unable to perform one of the workaround steps above, then this warning may persist.  

Please note that if you receive this message in Google Search Console, this is just a "warning", it is not an "error" in Google's eyes, and therefore this does not affect this page's ability to be AMP indexed, nor does this negatively affect the boost in SEO that AMP provides.  If you are still worried about this warning and cannot perform one of the workaround steps above, we recommend selectively un-AMPing this page using Custom Visibility Rules. Once you're finished, you can click the "Validate Fix" button in Google Search Console, and you should receive a status that the validation has "started" successfully.  Pages hidden using Custom Visibility Rules will simply hide that specific page from AMP, so users will be redirected to the non-AMP site if they try to access the AMP version of this specific link.

Moving forward

We are also actively engaged with Shopify to try and get these featured videos shared with the AMP app so that they can be natively supported without the above workaround.  Once this is possible, we'll absolutely update this article with more information!

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