Multi-store discounts

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 24th, 2021

Shop Sheriff provides discounts for shops with multiple domains associated with them.  The following discounts apply only for shops that are associated directly with one another, which are selling the same products, such as when one shop has multiple domains for different languages.  This does not apply for shops selling different products, or for agencies managing multiple clients.

  • Over 3 shops: 33% discount for each additional shop
  • Over 6 shops: 66% discount for each additional shop

For example, if you have 10 shops, the first 3 shops will always be full price.  The 4th, 5th, and 6th shops will be discounted 33%, and the 7th shop onward more will be discounted 66%.

To activate this discount, contact us and we'll get you set up!

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