Private App update by April 1st Announcement

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 4th, 2020

You may have received a notification from Shopify about AMP's use of an API endpoint that is being deprecated by April 1st.  AMP will need to update this, otherwise some functionality may be lost.  

What this means

AMP uses a non-critical endpoint that is being deprecated by Shopify on April 1st.  As such, the AMP app needs to update its use of this endpoint or else risk losing this non-critical functionality.

Our solution

This post is to inform you that we are fully aware of the update and have all processes in place to update this endpoint.  Earlier this year, we identified the solution to removing our use of this endpoint and replacing it with a more current version of the Shopify API.  We have tested this solution, and all is well. By mid March, we will be rolling all accounts over to the new solution.  You don't need to worry about any issues moving forward, and there is nothing that needs to be done on your part.

Thanks for choosing Shop Sheriff, and we're happy to support you in your Shopify journey!

Founder, Shop Sheriff

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