What pages can (and can't) be AMPed on Shopify

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 26th, 2023

AMP by Shop Sheriff allows you to AMP your most critical landing pages, such as your home page, products, and collections.  These are pages that are most likely to be indexed by Google and therefore receive the AMP benefit.

The pages that CAN be AMPed include:

  • Home page
  • Products
  • Collections
  • Blogs
  • Blog Articles
  • Custom pages

These are your most critical landing pages, and these will be able to receive the AMP benefit and be indexed by Google as AMP.

Some pages are also unable to be AMPed.  These are pages that are typically not indexed (or less often indexed) by Google.  If a customer clicks on a page that isn't able to be AMPed, they will gracefully go to the original (non-AMP) page.  

These pages that can NOT be AMPed include:

  • Cart/checkout page
  • Search page
  • Collection list (this page resides at {{yourdomain}}.com/collections)
  • Subcollection pages 
  • Blog filter pages

It is quite normal not to have every single page on your shop be AMPed, and Google will be able to apply to AMP benefit and boost your Core Web Vitals on any AMP page that you have published.  You're also able to specify exactly which pages you would like to publish, as we make this easy directly within the app.

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