Menu navigation on AMP

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at April 3rd, 2021

AMP supports menu navigation out of the box using your Shopify navigation menus.  You can access your Shopify navigation menus by navigating to your admin panel here.

Shopify navigation menus are edited using the editor on this page.

You'll notice that menus and sub-menus can be easily created using the drag and drop functionality within Shopify.

What do these menus look like on AMP?

Each AMP theme provides a different look and feel to the navigation menu.  To test a menu on your AMP theme, you can open any AMP page and view the mobile or large-screen version of your menu.  A reminder that AMP pages only show up in Google for mobile search results, and they don't take over your desktop site.  However, we provide a desktop view for AMP pages because some customers also enjoy a responsive AMP page on tablets, or on desktop if they choose to use AMP for desktop Ads.

How do I change my menu on AMP?

Each theme provides a way to pick which menu you'd like to show for your header and footer within the AMP theme editor.  For example, the Debut AMP theme allows you to choose your header menu here, in the left-hand side of the editor, under the "Header" section.

Where do the menus link to? Do they link to AMP pages?

By default, your menu links will direct users to non-AMP pages, exactly as you have set them up in your Shopify navigation, shown above. You can easily change this using internal link preferences on your setting page.  We also published a full tutorial on setting that up.

Refreshing menus

When you update your Shopify navigation menus, you may need to refresh these menus in the AMP theme.  To do this, click on the Refresh icon next to your menu picker, and de-selecting and re-selecting the menu.  Your AMP menus should then be refreshed.

How can I test where my menus link to?

After setting up your menu, and saving your AMP settings, open any AMP page outside of the AMP editor, and click on a menu link that you'd like to test.  

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