All analytics events tracked by AMP on Shopify

Written By Stephen Gardner (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 3rd, 2020

AMP by Shop Sheriff automatically adds event tracking to your Google Analytics or Facebook account.  Enable these events simply by entering your Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel ID in the settings panel.

Note on theme versions

As of May 17th, 2020, we updated our Analytics Tracking to track more detailed analytics on your AMP pages. 

The events listed below apply to the following themes:

  • Debut AMP - version 21.0.0 and above.
  • Brooklyn AMP - version 6 and above. 

If you created a theme or installed the AMP app after May 17th, 2020, then these events apply to you.

For a list of events tracked on older themes, please click here.

Below is a list of all the events you will find automatically tracked in your Google Analytics or Facebook analytics dashboard

Google Analytics

Event Event Action Additional context available Description
Pageview Standard Google Analytics pageview Page URL  Visited an AMP page
Add to cart AMP - Added Product All required information regarding the product. Including currency, price, product id, etc. Clicked the "Add to cart" button on any AMP page.  The event name will include the product variant
Buy it now AMP - Clicked Buy it Now All required information regarding the product. Including currency, price, product id, etc. Clicked the "Buy it now" button on any AMP page.  The event name will include the product variant
Search input AMP - Clicked Search Input
Clicked the input box on a search form
Search submission AMP - Search Search query Submitted a search form
Toggled menu AMP - Toggled Menu
Clicked the mobile menu open or mobile menu collapse buttons.
Link to full site AMP - Clicked Link to Full Site
Clicked the "Link to full site" to navigate from the AMP page to the non-AMP page
Newsletter input AMP - Clicked Newsletter Input
Clicked the input box on a newsletter form
Newsletter signup AMP - Newsletter Signup Email address Submitted an email address to the newsletter
Changed product variant  AMP - Clicked Product Variant Option
Clicked on a product's variant selection dropdown or variant selection button
Clicked product thumbnail AMP - Clicked Product Thumbnail
Clicked on a product's thumbnail image to view another image of the product
Clicked product carousel AMP - Clicked Product Carousel Previous slide / Next slide Clicked on the next slide or previous slide buttons for a product image carousel
Sorted collection AMP - Clicked Sort By
Clicked on the "sort" option for a collection
Filtered collection AMP - Clicked Filter By
Clicked on the "filter" option for a collection

Additionally, every Google Analytics event comes with the Custom Dimension "amp" = true.  Custom dimensions help you filter page views and events coming from AMP pages.  Read more about Custom Dimensions here.

Facebook Pixel

Event Event Action Additional context available
Pageview Standard Facebook pageview Page URL Visited an AMP page
ViewContent Standard Facebook ViewContent
(product pages only)
All required information regarding the product. Including currency, price, product id, etc. Viewed a product page
Add to cart Standard Facebook Added Product event All required information regarding the product. Including currency, price, product id, etc. Clicked the "Add to cart" button on any AMP page.
Buy it now Standard Facebook Initiate Checkout event  All required information regarding the product. Including currency, price, product id, etc. Clicked the "Buy it now" button on any AMP page.  The event name will include the product variant
Search input AMPClickSearchInput
Clicked the input box on a search form
Search submission AMPSearch Search query Submitted search
Toggled menu AMPToggleMenu
Clicked the mobile menu open or mobile menu collapse buttons.
Link to full site AMPClickLinkToFullSite
Clicked the "Link to full site" to navigate from the AMP page to the non-AMP page
Newsletter input AMPClickNewsletterInput
Clicked the input box on a newsletter form
Newsletter signup AMPNewsletterSignup Email address of user Submitted an email address to the newsletter
Changed product variant  AMPChangeProductVariant
Clicked on a product's variant selection dropdown or variant selection button
Clicked product thumbnail AMPClickProductThumbnail
Clicked on a product's thumbnail image to view another image of the product
Clicked product carousel AMPClickProductCarousel Previous slide / Next slide Clicked on a product's thumbnail image to view another image of the product
Sorted collection AMPClickSortBy
Clicked the "sort" option for a collection
Filtered collection AMPClickFilterBy
Clicked the "filter" option for a collection

Additionally, every Facebook Pixel event comes with the following extra parameters

Property Value
amp_event_action Plain text description of the action.  
ex: Clicked filter by
content_category Product or collection type associated with the page.
ex: Men's
page_type Page type associated with the page
ex: Homepage, Product, Collection, etc
id The resource ID associated with the page (Product ID, Collection ID, etc)
ex: 1082930049
ref Plain text referral information.
ex: AMP by Shop Sheriff
amp Boolean representing that was an AMP page.  This is always "true"

Testing the events:

In order to test the events, open up your AMP page and enter the Google Analytics "Real time events" or Facebook Pixel "Test events" pages.  You can then interact with the AMP page to see the data passed to either GA or FB Pixel.

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